A word or two about me.
The seeds of my interests in writing, music and photography, sown in my formative years, have evolved into passions that have brought me great joy and satisfaction for more than half a century. One could call them hobbies, but that would not do them justice. They are much more than that.
Each has taken turns over the years stepping back, sideways and forward in a dance to tunes only I can hear. Now, with far more days behind me than ahead, they each share center stage in a show that I hope brings you joy, peace, and contemplation.
I learned and enjoyed the fundamentals of photography back in high school, long before the digital age. It was a great foundation upon which to overlay the technology of today…which I have embraced but by which am also continually challenged.
Some of my favorite college courses were the ones where I explored and honed my writing skills. The ability to observe, interpret and share my thoughts through the written word and my photography has given me great satisfaction.
Not being the most athletic, handsome or smartest guy back in school, I decided that the best way to satisfy the primal need of attracting girls was to learn to play the guitar. I found my niche in the folk music of the ‘60s, evolving into a lifelong love of singing, songwriting and performing. Like many, I dreamed of a life and career as a star, surely to be the next John Denver or Gordon Lightfoot. But that was not to be and I had to find another way to make a living.
So, I trained as a psychologist and joined the Commissioned Corps of the US Public Health Service, specializing in the mental health aspects of mass trauma from disasters and terrorism. After a 31-year career there, I retired as a Rear Admiral/Assistant Surgeon General…only to keep my finger in it today as an Associate Director of the Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, near my home in Maryland. This complicated world keeps me busier professionally than I would perhaps choose to be at times, but I make a priority of carving out time for my music, photography and writing.
I found fertile soil for each on Campobello Island in Canada’s Bay of Fundy, where my wife Donna and I are fortunate to live for several months of the year. We have grown deep roots there. As you will see and hear, the island and its people continue to inspire me. I feel fortunate to have found them.